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Email Accounts
Email Accounts

Manage your email accounts in saleshandy account

📨 IMAP Settings: What, Why, and How to Enable it?Understanding and Activating IMAP Settings for Your Email Account
🔒 2-Step Verification(2-Factor Authentication): What, Why, and How to Enable It?Understanding and Activating 2-Step Verification(2-Factor Authentication) for Enhanced Account Security
🔐App Password: What, Why, and How to Set it Up?Understanding and Activating App Password to Safeguard Your Email Account!
🛠️ Tips to Ensure a Smooth Connection with SMTP/IMAP Integration!📧 Troubleshooting Email Account Connection with SalesHandy? Let's Get You Connected!
🕵️‍♂️How to check what my Email Service Provider (ESPs) is?Don't know what your email provider is? Checkout Step-by-Step Guide to Discover Your Email Provider 🕵️‍♂️
🎭How to Create & Connect an Alias Email Account?Step by step guide on how to connect Alias Email Account at Saleshandy
📧Email Set-up Score: What, Why, and How to Set it Up?Improve your Email Set-up Score to land in the primary inbox.
🗃️How to Import your Email Account in Bulk via SMTP/IMAP?Say Goodbye to Manual Work - Here's How to Import Email Accounts in Bulk! 📧
📩 What is the Daily Sending Limit?All about the daily sending limit'
🎢Email Ramp-up: What, Why, When, and How to Set it Up?Setting up Email Ramp-up in Saleshandy 🚀
🔌Email Account is Disconnected. How to Reconnect it?My email account is disconnected. How to reconnect it?
💡SMTP/IMAP: How to Connect Any Email Account/Provider with SalesHandy?Connecting Your Email Account/Provider Via SMTP/IMAP Method to SalesHandy
How to Add BCC to Email Account?Adding a Sneaky BCC to Your Email Account
Bulk Email Operations: A Guide to Seamless Email Account Management 🚀Your Ultimate Guide to Effortless Email Management 🌈