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Personalize your Cold Emails

Everything about personalisation for hyper-engagement

Yashal Vagadia avatar
Written by Yashal Vagadia
Updated over a week ago

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Personalizing your cold email is essential for engaging your prospects and avoiding spam filters.

When you take the time to tailor your emails according to your prospects, it demonstrates that you have put in the effort to understand their needs and interests. This personalized approach not only piques their curiosity but also encourages them to take action and engage with your product.

Here is how you can personalize your cold emails with Saleshandy:

Merge Tags{}

Mail merge tags are custom fields that you insert into your compose window when typing out your email content.

With Saleshandy, you can have up to 30 custom fields (merge tags) that you can insert into any section of your email.

To add merge tags in your email:

  • Upload a CSV file containing all the data of the merge tags that will be reflected in the email copy.

    For example, If you want to add merge tags {{FIRST NAME}} & {{COMPANY}}, your CSV should contain 2 columns with the same title as the merge tags.

  • Once you upload CSV, the system will map out the data in your email copies where you have inserted the merge tag.

  • To insert Merge tags in your email copies, navigate to the Sequence > Steps > Create Step >Insert merge tag.

When you are doing bulk prospecting, merge tags make personalization very easy with dynamic variables like first name, last name, company, etc., potentially boosting response rates by up to 26%.

Fallback Text

Adding a Fallback value is as important as adding merge text!

Let’s say the first name is missing or the column is empty in your uploaded CSV

Then your merge tags will show a blank value like:

‘Hey’, instead of ‘Hey XYZ’.

This can make your email generic even after adding the merge tags. To avoid this you need to add a Fallback value.

A fallback value is used to place a fixed value on a custom field (variable) when a particular value for the custom field is missing for any prospect. To learn more about it refer to this article.


Spintax is a powerful tool that enables you to personalize your cold emails by generating multiple variations of words, sentences, or phrases within a single sequence.

By using Spintax, you can create custom versions of your email's greeting, introduction, content paragraphs, and sign-off phrases that resonate with each individual recipient.

You can include multiple words or phrases between {spin} and {end spin}, separated by a vertical line | (pipe) to use Spintax. For example:

  • Spintax Buttons: Spot the Spintax button in your email editor; it's your gateway to email personalization.

  • Dropdown of Wonders: A drop-down menu unfolds, offering a treasure trove of pre-defined Spintax incantations for greetings, sign-offs, and praises – all designed for hyper-personalization.

  • Custom Spintax: Found a Spintax you like but wish to tweak it? Fear not! Edit the Spintax {spin} value1 | value2 | value {endspin} to fit your message perfectly, adding that personal touch that makes all the difference. To learn the best practices for using Spintax,, please take a look at this article.

Email Subject lines

Do you know a cold email with a personalized subject line gets 6% higher open rates?

You can also personalize the subject line with merge tags. When prospects see their name in any subject line in their inbox, it stands out for them and compels them to open it.

To insert Merge tags in your subject lines, navigate to the Sequence > Steps > Create Step >Insert merge tag (in the subject line column).

Make your subject line short, catchy, precise, and about your prospects. Here are some examples of personalized subject lines that you can use:

  • Hi {{First Name}}, check out our latest update!

  • Boost {{Company}} sales with [Your Company]?

  • The idea for {{Company}} - let's chat!💡

  • Don't miss out, {{First Name}}! Limited time offer inside!

  • Impressive blog post on {{Blog topic}}, {{First Name}}

  • XYZ said we should connect, {{First Name}}

  • Nice to meet you at the event, {{First Name}}!

  • Quick collaboration idea with {{Company}},{{First Name}}!

  • {{First Name}}, get ready for our biggest sale of the year!

  • {{First Name}}, we think you'll love this new product!

  • Tips for {{company}} growth,{{First Name}}.

  • {{Company}} + [Your Company] collaboration?

  • Invitation to event in {{City}},{{First Name}}!

  • Contribute to {{Company}}, {{First Name}}?


A pre-header is a short description of your email content that gives your recipients context about the content inside the email.

Usually, the subject line is short and crisp, while the pre-header is a sentence-long description or summary of email content. Having a pre-header significantly improves deliverability and personalization.

To set the Pre-header, navigate to the Sequence > Steps > Create Step > Set Pre-header button(below the subject line)

In your inbox, the Pre-header will look like this.

You can learn more about email pre-headers in this article.

Personalisation Score with Email Writing Assistant

While you are framing your cold email copy and adding all the above personalization techniques, you can use Saleshandy Email Writing Assistant, which will help you hyper-personalize your emails by providing personalization scores on your copies.

With our AI-powered email assistant, you can know if you are going in the right direction when writing your cold email regarding personalization and other aspects. You can get real-time tips and tricks as you write your email copy.

With Email Writing Assistant, you can also check for other parameters such as spamminess, subject length, and links.

Email Preview

After drafting your perfect email, you can preview how it will be delivered to your recipients with Saleshandy. Saleshandy intelligently incorporates all merge tags and spin syntax that you've included, showing you exactly how your email will appear upon delivery.

This feature is especially beneficial as it allows you to spot and make necessary changes before sending your email, ensuring your message is perfectly tailored to each recipient.

Best Practices to Personalize Email Content

Here are some best practices to personalize your email content:

  • Do more than surface-level personalization! If you want your prospect to engage, you have to dig in, find out more information about them, and show it in your emails.

  • Use dynamic content. Rather than static content that remains the same for every recipient, consider using dynamic content that changes based on the recipient's interests, industry, or other information you have about them.

  • Craft a message that resonates with the recipient using information from their behavior, such as their website activity or social media interactions. For example, referencing an article they shared on LinkedIn or any other social media can help establish a connection and make your message more relevant.

  • In the introduction, mention where you find your prospects. It can be a mutual connection, on social media, or at an event.

  • Mention in the introduction where you find your prospects. It can be a mutual connection, on social media, or at an event.

  • One of the fastest ways to build a relationship with your prospects is to throw in some flattery. Praise them for their work, product/service.

  • Send your email in the time zone of your prospect or at a more convenient time.

  • Provide value or solution in the email around your prospect's pain points.

  • Make sure to send yourself a test email first and check if all the merge tags that you have inserted are showing the appropriate value.

To learn more about personalisation refer to these resources🤗:

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