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What, Why, and How to Manage Do Not Contact List for Clients and Agencies
What, Why, and How to Manage Do Not Contact List for Clients and Agencies
Yashal Vagadia avatar
Written by Yashal Vagadia
Updated over a week ago

Hello there, Saleshandy users! 👋

Understanding how to manage blacklists effectively is crucial for maintaining compliance, optimizing email deliverability, and ensuring operational efficiency. This guide will walk you through the what, why, and how to manage the Do Not Contact list within a system for client and agency roles.

What is Do Not Contact List (DNC)?

Do Not Contact List contains emails and domains you want to exclude from your email outreach efforts. This ensures that these contacts do not receive any communication from your system, helping you maintain compliance and protect your sender reputation.

Types of Do Not Contact List (DNC):

  1. Client-Specific Do Not Contact List: These lists are tailored to a particular client and contain emails and domains that should not be contacted within that client’s sequences.

  2. Global Blacklists: Managed at the account/agency level, these lists apply universally across all clients, ensuring broader compliance.

Why are Blacklists Important?

Compliance and Legal Requirements

  • Regulations: Adhering to laws such as GDPR, CAN-SPAM, and other privacy regulations.

  • Client Trust: Ensuring clients that their preferences and legal obligations are respected.

Operational Efficiency

  • Preventing Spam: Helps avoid sending unwanted emails, protecting the sender's reputation.

  • Resource Management: Reduces wasted efforts on non-converting or inappropriate contacts.

Data Integrity

  • Accurate Reporting: Ensures outreach statistics reflect genuine engagement without skewing from contacting blacklisted entities.

How to Manage Do Not Contact list?

Step 1️⃣: Navigate to the Do Not Contact List tab.

  1. Login into your Saleshandy account and Navigate to the "Settings" tab from the dashboard

  2. Look for the “Do Not Contact List” tab within the Settings tab.

Step 2️⃣: Editing or Adding a DNC List

You have the option to edit an existing DNC list or create a new one by clicking on the “Add List” button.

Step 3️⃣: Naming Your Do Not Contact List

  1. Name Your Do Not Contact List: Provide a name for your new Do Not Contact List.

  2. Select Do Not Contact List Type: Choose from the options All Clients (Global) or Specific Client.

    • All Clients (Global) Do Not Contact List: Managed at the Account/Agency level, these lists apply universally across all clients, ensuring broader compliance. All prospects matching domains/emails from this list will be blacklisted in all sequences (including client’s sequences) and will not be contacted further.

    • Client-Specific Do Not Contact List: Tailored to a particular client, these lists contain emails and domains that should not be contacted within that client’s sequences. Select your clients from the drop-down menu to apply the Do Not Contact List.

  3. Add the List: Once you finish this, click "Add" to add the list.

Step 4️⃣: Adding Emails or Domains to the Blacklist

You have two options to add items to your blacklist

Option 1: Enter Emails or Domains Manually

  • Input Items: Manually enter the emails or domains. You can add multiple items separated by commas (,), semicolons (;), spaces, or line breaks. Each will be added as a separate entity in the respective list. You can manually add up to 1000 entries.

  • Avoid Duplicates: If you attempt to add duplicate items, they will not be added to the blacklist.

  • Validate Entries: Ensure each item is in the correct format. Invalid entries will be highlighted and must be corrected before saving.

Option 2: Using a CSV File

  • Click on Add via CSV option to proceed.

  • Drag & Drop or Select Your CSV File: You can drag and drop your CSV file containing the emails or domaiNs or manually select the file. You can add up to 10,000 entries via CSV file. File size cannot exceed 5 MB.

    💡Tip: Our system will automatically detect the Email/Domain from your CSV file as a header.

  • Map Fields: Accurately map the fields in your CSV to either "Domain" or "Email."

  • Validate and Import: The system will validate the entries and import the valid items.

Step 5️⃣: Saving the Blacklist

The list will be automatically saved once you enter the email addresses or domains, either manually or via CSV.

Remember: All prospects matching domains/emails from the Do Not Contact list will be blacklisted in all sequences (including client’s sequences) and will not be contacted further.

Understanding Roles and Permissions

1. Clients with Full or Limited Access

  • View Blacklists: Can see any blacklists linked to them but cannot create new ones.

  • Add Items: Can manually add Emails and Domains to existing blacklists or import them from a CSV file.

  • Delete Items: Can remove Emails and Domains from blacklists but not delete the entire list.

  • Export Lists: Can Export blacklists to a CSV file. The file can show all items, just the ones you select, or only those that meet certain search criteria.

2. Agency Users (Owner, Admin, Team Manager, and Member):

  • Create and Manage Blacklists: Can create new blacklists, edit their names, assign them to clients, or set them as global.

  • View and Edit Any Blacklist: Access and modify any blacklist within the agency, regardless of who created it.

  • Delete Blacklists: Have the authority to remove any blacklist completely.

  • Export Capability: Can Export blacklists but with additional authority to view and export any list within the agency.

Key Features and Limitations

  • Global vs. Client-specific Lists: Agency/Client Management users can decide if a blacklist is global (applies to all clients) or specific to a single client.

  • Importing and Adding Items: Every user can add items to blacklists by typing manually, copying and pasting, or importing via a CSV file. Duplicates are automatically ignored.

  • Searching and Filtering: Search for blacklists or specific items within a list. You can also filter the view to show only emails or domains.

  • Pagination and Views: Lists are paginated and can be viewed based on various filters like emails or domains.

  • Limits on List Items: The total number of unique blacklist items across all lists cannot exceed 100,000.

  • No Duplication in Lists: An item can appear in multiple lists but is counted only once towards the 100,000 item limit.

  • Handling of Scheduled Emails: If an email is scheduled to a contact and then that contact is added to a blacklist, the email will not be sent.

Practical Tips

  • Regularly Update Your List: To maintain effective email campaigns, regularly review and update your blacklist.

  • Educate Your Team: Make sure all users understand their roles and the importance of compliance with email rules.

  • Use the Export Function: Regularly exporting your list can help you maintain backups and review your blacklist offline.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I create multiple blacklists for different clients?

A: Yes, as an agency user, you can create and manage multiple blacklists, assigning them to specific clients.

Q: What happens if I try to add a duplicate item to a blacklist?

A: The system will automatically prevent duplicate entries, ensuring each email or domain is only added once.

Q: How can I export my blacklist?

A: You can export your blacklist to a CSV file, which will be sent to your email. This file can contain all items, selected items, search results, or filtered items.

Q: Will blacklisted prospects be counted towards my prospect storage limit?

A: No, blacklisted emails and domains will not count towards your prospect storage limit.

Q: What if a blacklisted prospect is already scheduled for outreach?

A: The system will remove the scheduled prospect from the outreach sequence, ensuring they are not contacted.

Q: How can I search for items in my blacklist?

A: You can search for blacklist items by name, email, or domain using the search functionality, similar to how you search for prospects.

Q: Can I change the name of a blacklist?

A: Yes, agency users can edit the name of the blacklist, but client users cannot change the names of lists assigned to them.

Q: What if I need to correct an invalid item in the blacklist?

A: The system will highlight invalid items and prompt you to correct them before they can be added to the list.


The Do Not Contact List is a powerful tool in Saleshandy that helps you maintain the integrity of your email outreach campaigns. By leveraging this feature, you can avoid compliance issues, protect your sender reputation, and ensure that your campaigns are as efficient and effective as possible. Whether you're an agency managing multiple clients or a single user ensuring compliance, the DNC list is essential for modern email marketing.

Start using the Do Not Contact List today and see the difference it makes in your email outreach success! 🚀📈

Mission accomplished; you've successfully added your Do Not Contact list. 👏

Wishing you a delightful experience! ❤️

Happy Selling. 🤝

Warmest regards,

Saleshandy Team

👉 Next Steps

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💡 Tip

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