Status indicates the state of your campaign and ongoing activity. Below are the definitions of different status.
New: When you are creating the new campaign.
Draft: When you have saved your campaign to edit it later.
Scheduled: When you have scheduled the campaign for a later date.
Queued: Queue shows that our server is preparing your campaign. Status is updated from Scheduled to Queued before 15 minutes of the scheduled time.
In Progress: We are sending emails to your recipients.
Paused: When either you have paused your campaign or we have paused your campaign due to increased bounce rate. You can resume your paused campaigns at any time.
Waiting: Waiting implies that your outgoing email quota is exhausted and your campaign will be resumed once the quota is reset.
Halted: When user action is required to resume the campaign. Here are the reasons for your campaign being halted:
Changes in SMTP credentials i.e. you would have changed your password and have not updated the same on SalesHandy.
Connection with Gmail might be revoked.
Finished: When your campaign is completed.
💡 Tip
Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. We're available on chat and ready to provide you with prompt assistance. 🤗